Using an MCCS cluster

Okay, so you’ve followed the instructions at the Set up your deployment environment page, and you now have a working MCCS cluster. Now what can you do with it? Here are some options:

  • run our functional (BDD) tests

  • develop and test your code against the cluster (not recommended)

  • run an interactive Jupytango session

  • monitor and control devices with Taranta

Running functional tests

To run the functional (BDD) tests:

make k8s-test

Develop and test code

Because of the time it takes to build images, and deploy and delete the cluster, it is unwise to develop code against a real cluster unless absolutely necessary. If doing so, the basic workflow is:

  1. Edit code and/or tests

  2. Build the image to be deployed:

  3. IMPORTANT If you are developing locally, because we are using docker as our driver, the environment must be set in your terminal. This command must be run in each new terminal:

    eval $(minikube docker-env)
    make oci-build
  4. Re-deploy with the newly built image

    make k8s-bounce
  5. Wait for the cluster to be fully deployed:

    make k8s-watch  # to manually watch the cluster come up
    # or
    make k8s-wait  # to block until the cluster is up

    Problems with the deployment? To get an overview of container logs, try (warning: this will produce a lot of logs)

    make k8s-podlogs

    To view the logs of a specific pod, try

    kubectl -n ska-low-mccs logs PODNAME

    Note: This can also be done in k9s, which will provice a UI for this.

  6. Once the cluster is fully deployed, run the tests:

    make k8s-test
  7. Test failed? Edit the code, then

    make oci-build
    make k8s-bounce
    make k8s-watch  # until pods have come back up.
    make k8s-test

    Rinse, repeat. Developing against the cluster is very slow.

Run an interactive session with JupyTango

JupyTango provides an easy to use platform to work with an MCCS deployment.

me@local:~$ minikube ip

Navigate to for local development. (or wherever your persistent jupyterhub deployment is for non-local development)

import tango

db = tango.Database()
station_device_strings = db.get_device_exported("low-mccs/station/*")
stations = []
for device_str in station_device_strings:
   device = tango.DeviceProxy(device_str)
   device.adminMode = 0

# Do stuff with your stations here

MCCS has a selection of prebuilt notebooks (/notebooks), these can be loaded into your JupyTango session by clicking the ‘Upload’ button, if you then want to export your work, click ‘Download’.


Taranta provides a Web UI for monitoring and controlling devices in the cluster. The MCCS charts have Taranta enabled by default, so once MCCS is deployed, you should be able to see Taranta in your web browser, at the cluster’s IP address.

  1. Find out the IP address of the cluster:

    me@local:~$ minikube ip
  2. Open a Web browser (Taranta works best with Chrome) and navigate to

  3. Log in with credentials found here:

  4. Select the Dashboards tab on the left-hand side of the window.

  5. You may now build your own dashboard, or import a dashboard from file. MCCS dashboards are available at ska-low-mccs/dashboards/.

Resource Usage

Resource usage for the MCCS pods is defined in ska-low-mccs/values.yaml. Currently, following a review of the resources required by the MCCS system, these are set to 20m CPU, and 50Mi memory, where 1000m is equivalent to 1 vCPU/Core for cloud providers, or 1 hyperthread on a bare-metal intel processor. Should these need to be increased in future, values.yaml will need updating. More information on resource usage in kubernetes can be found here:


To view the charts avaliable in ska-low-mccs:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Open the helm release for the version of interest.

There are some optional tools avaliable for use:

To deploy Jupyterhub add the folowing to the values file you are configuring the deployment with:
deploy-jupyterhub: true
To deploy Taranta add the folowing to the values file you are configuring the deployment with:
deploy-taranta: true

An example helm values file is defined as follows: (found in /helmfile.d/mccs/values/stfc-ci.yaml)

            id: 1
                     simulated: true
                     srmb_host: srmb-1
                     srmb_port: 8081
                     simulated: true
                     port: 10000
                     version: tpm_v1_6
                     subrack: 1
                     subrack_slot: 1
                     simulated: true
                     host: whatever
                     port: 9502
                     timeout: 10.0
                     modbus_id: 101
                     fndh_port: 1
                     modbus_id: 1
                     fndh_port: 2
                     modbus_id: 2
                     east: -3.25
                     north: 11.478
                     up: 0.023
                  eep: 100
                  smartbox: "1"
                  smartbox_port: 5
                  tpm: "1"
                  tpm_input: 5
                     east: -0.746
                     north: 12.648
                     up: 0.019
                  eep: 113
                  smartbox: "1"
                  smartbox_port: 7
                  tpm: "1"
                  tpm_input: 7

   logging_level_default: 5

      enabled: true
      logging_level_default: 4

   "1": {}
   "2": {}
   "3": {}
   "4": {}

The helm templates filter this environment-specific deployment yaml into the form: (found in /charts/ska-low-mccs/values.yaml)

   subarrays:  # Tango device server type
      subarray-01:  # Tango device server instances
         low-mccs/subarray/01:  # Tango device instance TRL
            subarray_id: 1
            logging_level_default: 5
   stationbeams:  # Tango device server type
      beam-001:  # Tango device server instances
         low-mccs/beam/001:  # Tango device instance TRL
            beam_id: 1
            logging_level_default: 5